Preparing for ugc net political science 2019? Need some expert guidance? Relax, as UGC NET D Coaching has a list of some of the best Best ugc net political science coaching institutes for UGC NET 2019. Choosing to take help from some of the best ugc net political science coaching institutes for UGC NET 2019 has its own advantages. Candidates can get exam tips from the experienced faculty members, they can get the required UGC NET Study Material , and can discuss queries and get instant solutions. UGC NET Coaching centers play an important role in building a solid foundation as far as the syllabus is concerned.
There will be two question papers, UGC NET Paper II and Paper III Part-A & B. UGC NET Paper II will cover 50 Objective Type Questions (Multiple choice, Matching type, True and False, Assert-Reasoning type) carrying 100 marks. UGC NET Paper III will have two Parts-A and B; Paper-III A will have 10 Short Essay Type Questions (300 words) carrying 16 marks each. In it there will be one question with internal choice from each unit (i.e.. 10 questions from 10 units; Total marks will be 160). UGC NET Paper III B will be compulsory and there will be three questions from any unit I to X. The candidate will attempt only one question only in 800 words; carrying 40 marks. Total marks of UGC NET Paper III will be 200.
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